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About our diary.

when you turn the pages, what do you find?

The Stories Diary is a blog in the form of a diary reflecting a lot of stories about life, everything about life.


This blog is full of stories, and love and life, and tears and laughter. It is a personal blog, and I hope in some you make it your personal blog as well. So much of it is just raw emotions cause I got a flood but some of it is truths I have learned along the way. Hope you can tell the difference.


We also want you to do better in real life, and live the one life you have to the maximum and be the main character there, because you have to, and because you are the main character. We want you to be the best person you honestly can be, and on day when you can't run here for shelter and escape reality for a while. <3

the faces behind the magic

This is the dream team. The fantastic faces you would want to know! <3

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