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entry 006 - hello little love fool, time to let him go


Updated: Jan 8

I’m out here spending my time obsessing over you

Knowing well that I can’t afford to love you 

You're a wreck,

there's warning signs everywhere

A shattered heart takes too much time to fix

A sad mind takes years to rebuild and heal 

And I know, oh so well

you won’t be there for any of it.

So woe unto me,

a little love fool,

that lets her days get wasted by you


And here we are, 

A promoted fool that ruins good things in new, wonderful ways 

And a destructive monster who never lets anyone learn to live a life without them

Here we are.

Here we are,

Staring past the sea,

the three year wreckage of us.


I'm leaving notes on my windows

And pasting warnings on glass

So when the morning comes, I’ll leave you behind

Jesus, I hope I am able to leave him behind

Because I have no plans on taking my past to a new day

When the sun rises, I’ll let the light wash away every night with you


You look back and you see it,

We look back and we can't undo it,

Look at how we’ve wandered away to become strangers

who know each other’s mind and the sound of each other’s heartbeat


When our story fades and becomes a memory

I hope you still think of me when you see fireworks 

I hope you breathe the summer air and I run through your mind

I hope I stay in all your beautiful dreams

I hope you don’t enjoy life without memories of me flooding your brain 

I'm begging that as we let go, you hold on to a silver of us all the time

please, please, please


Buried here, is three years of love, life and games

A little love fool that dared to love you,

A pretty boy that spent 3 years for me.

I have to put our three years to rest,

I hate to put it all away,

But I have to,

And it hurts you.

But we both know we have to

We both know what we have to do.


we hereby lay our three years in love to rest <3


signed Z (his initial)& K (my initial)


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