*In our Mental Health Era*
The brain is such a powerful tool. Many people do not realise that every single action, habit, reaction and behaviour stems from a single thought. There is so much power in our minds and yet we feel powerless when it comes to our thoughts. What if I told you something very interesting and true? Something about being able to control your thoughts. It says in the Bible (whether you believe in Jesus or not, this concept is applicable to anyone who has a mind) Take every thought captive + think about things that are good, pure and all that. This concept basically points us to having power over what we think; no matter what it feels like.
Here is a personal story scenario: One day I showed up to the house with a grade that I was proud of, my parents told me I could do better and that translated to I wasn’t good enough until I was the best. That was the thought. My actions: I ended up being a hyper maniac kid that was obsessed with my performance. I became the over-achieving golden child. Not because I wanted to be good at many things, but because I felt I wasn’t enough by myself without it. I was in sports, in music, top of my class, and did so many things because of one single thought. And other people in the same situation become depressed and end up being so scared of doing anything because they get too scared to fail, or to actually find out they aren’t good enough.
Whatever it is all your actions stem from, I am here to tell you there is a way out. There is a way out of the lonely feeling you get when you are around people, there is a way out of depression, there is a way out of anxiety, there is a way out of hopelessness. What I am about to tell you isn’t a simple, one time cure. It is a never ending, and contant choice you have to make.
One: realise and lean on the fact that you have a choice. You have a choice to think what you think. You don’t think you do, but you do. The minute you start to feel off, stop and say it: I have a choice, I do not have to feel this way, or think this way. If you are used to being so cynical, or pessimistic because of all the bad things that have happened to you, affirm that you have a choice in how you feel and react to the things that you do not have control over.
Second: Listen to your thoughts. Scary, huh? Sitting down with the things that could possibly kill you. But here’s why it is important. Knowing what you think helps you know what you want to think, and what should be replaced. Remember your thoughts are what you become, therefore even if you are scared of sitting down with your thoughts, it is necessary so you aren’t scared of drowning in your own mind.
Third: start to distinguish lies from the truth. For example: If you didn’t do well on a test, or at a task at work; you aren’t a failure, you just failed. Leave room for grace in your plans. I’ll repeat that: leave room for grace in your plans. So, instead of thinking of yourself as someone who can’t get it right, and eventually drowning in a thought cycle of blown up flaws, remind yourself that you're human, you will fail, and give yourself grace for making it this far, or for even attempting to do something.
Lastly: replace your thoughts. Now that you know what you think, and what the truth is. Copy and paste the truth to your thoughts.
So; if you are at work and you do something wrong and you start to feel like you will never get anything right; realise you have a choice and you do not have to sit there and drown in that thought. Then realise you feel horrible about what happened because you’re starting to believe that you will never amount to anything. Once you notice that you are thinking that way, think of a thought that is true. Like; I am capable, and I will get it right with enough practice, or I am not a failure, and after that just replace. And do this everyday, and soon you will realise that your mind will be healthy, and your habits improve, and you are a happy person, because you have a choice to be that. That is the freeing thought.
Concept adapted from Jennie Allen’s book: Get out of your head.