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Entry 004- This is relationship, true relationship.


Updated: Jan 8

There’s been talk about how we are called to step out,

Step out of religion and into relationship,

And if you don’t do it well,

It all still looks the same.

If you have felt this nudge,

I am here to help you learn

The same way God helped me.

You see religion is doing everything you have to do just to do it,

Relationship is doing it because you want to.

Religion is going to church and thinking about all your life’s problems and works and wonders,

While relationship is thinking about your life and inviting God into that space,

Relationship is taking a walk and talking to God,

It is being with God in countless, unexpected, mundane and ordinary moments,

It is cultivated everyday, in many ways.

It is when you stop and talk to God,

And you work and you talk to Him.

It is asking Him for guidance in life, thanking Him for your breath,

Asking him for food, and to help you navigate your new crush.

Relationship is communion,

It is an invitation to do life together.

It is allowing God to have a seat at your table,

And listening to Him,

Because He is already listening to you.

A great relationship with God is knowing He is your friend,

Treating Him like your best friend.

So yeah, relationship is going on a walk and thinking about God.


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