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Updated: Jan 8

So, I’m continuously reminded that we all have waiting seasons, and I continuously see how hard it is everyday. We live in a very interesting time, where instant gratification is our life, and therefore waiting never makes sense, at all.  I’ll talk a little about that before moving on to the other part of this blog, waiting and why that’s okay, and a little encouragement about it.

As I write this down, I am currently in my waiting season. Let me personalize this so you don’t feel like I’m saying what needs to be said, but saying things that need to be heard. I’m waiting for a job, some papers, I’m waiting to graduate, I’m waiting to get a husband, to have kids, and even to be in my dream relationship. I’m waiting to get an apartment, I’m waiting for things to happen, okay and it’s really hard for me, because of society and my lack of patience.

So, instant gratification… It’s crazy to me how in this day and era, we don’t even get bored anymore, why? We have our phones, we have streaming services and all that serve into the purpose of instant gratification. We literally have everything at the palm of our hands. Men don’t have to wait to marry women to have sex with them, we just give it to them before we even know them. Women don’t have to wait and see the character of a man to be with them, the size of their pocket is perfect for them. We don’t know how to wait, because frankly, we’ve never had to, or we barely have to. Kids are having sexually experiences as early as 8 years, we barely have to wait anymore to consume alcohol, and all that stuff. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to villainize these concepts and actions, I’m just trying to get you to think about why waiting seems like an impossible task for us in this generation, and if you’re just discovering this, then know you’re not alone, and we have all been messed up by the things we thought were helping us, so we’re all broken, and impatient people and that’s why God’s concept of waiting feels foreign, hard and impossible to be honest.

Here’s an encouragement to us though; God knows us and He is there with us through it all, that’s a promise. Through our impatient rants, our waiting, our rewarding, everything, He’s there. Be encouraged that you don’t have to go through a gruesome journey on your own.

Two, you’re in great company. He made David wait. David was anointed King when he was about 12-15 years and He only became King when He was 30 years old. And those years of waiting were the worst, okay? He was trying to just live because King Saul wanted him dead. So, you see? I can’t imagine thinking I’ll be king when I’m like 12 and running for my own life at 19. I honestly don’t know if I would believe that God is still going to make me king, but He made him king, because through it all, God was there with him, in the fire and got him through the other side, safe and King. Abraham was made to wait, Moses had to wait, Jacob had to wait, and even Jesus had to wait and He is still waiting for us to come back to him.

Moses had to wait, Jacob had to wait, and even Jesus had to wait and He is still waiting for us to come back to Him.

In the light of all these stories, waiting doesn’t seem so foreign anymore. I hope you remember this when it gets tough; God has made everyone wait but He has promised to be with you through it all and He will get you to the other side, safe and sound with love and fulfilled promises. 

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